Personal Website
A personal portfolio website developed using the Next.js 13 framework.
The website you're currently on!
Check out the GitHub repository.
- Bootstrapped with Next.JS 13+ via
- React
- TypeScript
- Tailwind/CLSX/CVA for dynamic styling
- ContentLayer for displaying
Developed using some new languages and tools I've learned over the past few months via Frontend Masters.
- Brushed up on HTML/CSS/JS and modern web development practices.
- JavaScript as a language; how it operates in the browser; mechanics of the DOM.
- Bootstrapped using Next.js 13 framework, including new features such as server & client components, data fetching, and api routes.
- More intermediate JavaScript programming with focus on functions & callbacks, closure, asynchronous calls & the browser, promises, and classes.
- Developing single page applications with React; programming with JSX, hooks, components, React router, fetch and hydration.